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Clean Storm Water Program (MS4)
The program’s mission is to educate the public and promote practices that help improve the quality of rain water that runs off into our streams, reservoirs, lakes and rivers. Rain water can easily become polluted before running in to these bodies of water because of contact with pet waste, lawn fertilizers, litter, oil from leaking vehicles, and much more. The water that comes out of faucets starts out as rain water, so the goal is to keep rain water as clean as possible by educating the public about easy ways to prevent water pollution.
The City of Noblesville is focused on a regional education program gathering forces with local communities to help protect the White River watershed through important stormwater issues.
- For more information on our regional issues visit the City of Noblesville Household Water Tips. Also, visit Clear Choices Clean Water and click on a pledge to learn more.
- For more information on our state water quality issues visit the Indiana Department of Environmental Management Office of Water Quality to learn more.
- For more information on national water quality issues visit the United States Geological Survey and the Environmental Protection Agency to learn more.
For the younger citizens in the City of Noblesville.
The City of Noblesville is also focused on ensuring companies and homeowners have the education they need to manage the stormwater infrastructure. In participation with the White River Alliance the following programs are offered.
- For individuals, homeowners associations, and businesses interested in properly maintaining their post construction water quality infrastructure: Stormwater Landscape Maintenance Training
- For contractors and companies interested in properly maintaining their construction site water quality infrastructure: Trained Individual Contractor Certification
Click below for Clear Choices Clean Water Monthly Updates.
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The City of Noblesville and its regional partners have developed many ways for individuals interested in assisting in helping us maintain and improve our watershed.
Clear Choices Clear Water offers opportunities for individuals of groups to pledge to improve issues that directly impact our water quality.
The White River Alliance offers many opportunities to get involved in the active management of the White River and its watershed. Such as:
- The Annual White River Clean-Up- clean the most critical body of water in our region
- Visit the City of Noblesville 2022 White River Clean-Up page
- River Assessment Field Team (RAFT)- become a water quality sampling team member
- Stormwater Action Team (SWAT)- become a steward to keep our storm drains clean
Polluted stormwater run-off is a leading cause of impairment of many U.S. water bodies. Because of this, the system of conveyances (piping, drains, ditches, streets, etc.), designed or used for collecting or conveying stormwater in urban areas, known as a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4), are considered “point sources” of pollution. Under the U.S. EPA’s Clean Water Act, all point sources of polluted stormwater runoff must be regulated under a National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. The Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) is the permitting authority for Indiana and requires municipalities to develop and implement a plan to meet the NPDES permit conditions. This is known as a Stormwater Quality Management Plan (SWQMP), and must address solutions for the following elements:
- Public Education, Outreach, Participation, and Involvement
- Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination
- Construction Site Storm Water Runoff Control
- Post-Construction Storm Water Management
- Municipal Operations Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping
This is a copy of the current SWQMP for the City of Noblesville: SWQMP.
Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System General Permit (MS4GP) Annual Report 2023.
- Green Infrastructure Best Maintenance Practices (BMPs) (Stormwater Landscape Maintenance Training | The White River Alliance, Indianapolis IN)
- Construction Site Erosion Controls (Trained Individual Contractor Certification | The White River Alliance, Indianapolis IN)
- Litter (Litter & Water | Indiana Clear Choices Clean Water)
- Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System General Permit (MS4GP) Annual Report 2023
- SMC, City Celebrate Arbor Day with Tree Planting Grant Recipients, Proclamation
- Noblesville Hosts Annual White River Clean-Up
- White River Clean Up Celebrates 25th Anniversary
- Noblesville Launches Investigation into Chemical Spills at Indiana Transportation Museum