Plan Commission
Monday, October 28, 2024 at 06:00 PM City Hall Council Chambers
Call Meeting to Order
Opening Ceremonies - Pledge of Allegiance
Determiniation of a Quorum by Secretary
Approval of Minutes - September 16, 2024 Documents: 09-16-2024
#1 Application No. PLAT 0165-2024 A Primary Plat for a three-lot residential subdivision located at 5263 E. 156th Street. Submitted by Timothy and Dorothy Juergensen (Owners/Applicants) and Church Church Hittle and Antrim, Andy Wert Land Use Professional Staff Reviewer Denise Aschleman Documents: Staff Report | Exhibit 1 - Aerial Photograph | Exhibit 2 - Current Zoning | Exhibit 3 - Primary Plat
#2 Application No. PLAT 0205-2024 A Primary Plat for the combining of a parcel with Lot 16 in Kentre Meadows Subdivision to be known as Walker Ranch Subdivision located at 18969 Mallery Road (Noblesville Township). Submitted by Doug & Kristen Walker (Owners/Applicants) and Cross County Consulting, LLC (Garrick Walton) Staff Reviewer Amy Steffens Documents: Staff Report | Exhibit A - Aerial Photograph | Exhibit B - Primary Plat
#3 Application No. LEGP 0174-2024 Text Amendment to Ordinance No. 02-01-23, As Amended for Retreat at Morse planned development relating to the location of a subdivision sign east side of 7540 E. 196th Street. Submitted by Neil Goradia (Applicant) Staff Reviewer Amy Steffens
#6 Application No. LEGP 0201-2024 Adoption of an updated Thoroughfare Plan, a part of the Comprehensive Master Plan for the City of Noblesville. Submitted by Engineering and Planning Departments. Staff Reviewer Joyceann Yelton Documents: Staff Report | Proposed Thoroughfare Plan
#7 Application No. LEGP 0219-2024 Order No. 02-2024 of the Plan Commission Determining that the Declaratory Resolution for the Finch Creek Economic Development Area Approved and Adopted by the Noblesville Redevelopment Commission Conforms to the Comprehensive Plan Staff Reviewer Joyceann Yelton