Noblesville Tree Planting Grant

sameasuArbor Day Tree Planting Event at Same As U, a 2024 grant recipient.

Program Overview

Tree canopy is important for a range of reasons, from stormwater mitigation to mental health. This program will help to enhance the tree canopy in Noblesville.  SMC Corporation has awarded the city funds to put towards the planting of trees in the community and the city matched the amount donated by SMC.  The grant is to provide trees that have the greatest chance of surviving and becoming mature.  Awarded project(s) for grantees should plan on planting trees on or near Arbor Day.

The application manualis meant to be used as a reference while completing the Tree Planting Grant Application Form. To apply online, click here.

Grant Awards 

Applicants may apply for a minimum of five (5) trees and maximum of 20 trees. The trees will be 15–18-gallon size which are approximately six to eight feet tall. In addition to the trees, applicants will receive training and guidance from the Noblesville Tree Board which includes two certified arborists. The annual Arbor Day Proclamation may take place at a project site as well to celebrate.