Community Engagement & Volunteer Opportunities

Agape Therapeutic Riding Resources

Agape cultivates personal growth by strengthening the mind, body, and spirit through unique horse-facilitated experiences.


Boys & Girls Club of Noblesville

The Boys & Girls Club of Noblesville (BGCN) has provided opportunities for youth to enjoy activities and experiences that shape character since 1951. Serving youth from kindergarten to 12th grade, the BGCN provides positive and engaging programs that enrich the lives of a diverse group of members.


Central Indiana Council on Aging

CICOA empowers older adults, those of any age with a disability, and their caregivers by providing the innovative answers, services, and support they need to achieve the greatest possible independence, dignity, and quality of life.


Cherish Center

CHERISH is a 501(c)(3) child advocacy center (CAC) founded in 2009 that provides abuse intervention and prevention services to the community. CHERISH is Hamilton County's only CAC and also serves Tipton and other counties on request.


Children’s Bureau

Children’s Bureau, Inc. is a private nonprofit that has served children and families since 1851 and we’re here because many families need help to overcome the challenges that sometimes lead to unhealthy behaviors and threaten a child’s well-being.


Community – Education – Arts (CEArts; formerly Logan Street Sanctuary)

CEArts is the home of diverse Arts-related projects and opportunities for creatives of all kinds.


Conner Prairie

At Conner Prairie, youth between the ages of 10 and 18 can engage with guests  in conversations about history, science, technology, art, and architecture. Youth can learn period trades like cooking, sewing and spinning wool into yard, or taking care of Heritage Breed farm animals. For additional information please follow the link to read about or apply for the program.

Gal's Guide Library

Gal's Guide is home to the first women's history lending library in the United States. Gal's Guide's mission is to preserve, collect, share and champion women's achievements and lessons learned. We act as a catalyst to creators and educators who utilize our resources to guide others to these amazing role models who have been waiting in the shadows of history for too long. 

Good Samaritan Network

Good Samaritan Network (GSN) is a collaborative/network of non-profits in Hamilton County. The work of the Good Samaritan Network is considered an intermediary hybrid - a go-between or mediator of more than one source, i.e., the network. GSN utilizes two serving approaches, Direct and InDirect services.


Habitat for Humanity

Greater Indy Habitat unites the community with people in need to provide the life-changing opportunity to purchase and own simple, quality, affordable homes. Habitat homeowners achieve the strength, stability, and independence they need to build a better life for themselves and their families.


Hamilton County Harvest Food Bank, Inc.



Hamilton County Humane Society


Hamilton County Emergency Management Agency

Volunteer programs are designed to help further Hamilton County Emergency Management’s mission to provide support to plan, prepare, mitigate, respond, and recover from natural, human-caused, and accidental hazards. Opportunities would include assisting Emergency Management staff at community outreach events to assisting the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) during a disaster.


HAND, Inc.

HAND addresses the housing needs of low- and moderate-income individuals, families and senior citizens in Indianapolis’ suburbs.


Indiana Center for Prevention of Youth Abuse & Suicide (formerly Chaucie’s Place)

The mission of the Indiana Center for Prevention of Youth Abuse & Suicide is clear - to prevent youth abuse and save lives. Our team is dedicated to creating awareness that 95% of abuse is preventable and providing critical resources necessary to give hope to those who have lost their way. We will work with our communities to make sure that evidence-based curriculum is in place, so both youth and adults, can be empowered to protect, prevent, and create a personal mission to end abuse, once and for all.


Janus Developmental Services

Janus provides adult individuals with disabilities the opportunity to participate and contribute within the community. We are recognized as the partner of choice for individuals with disabilities, their families and the community.


Keep Noblesville Beautiful

Keep Noblesville Beautiful (KNB) is a 501(c)(3) community improvement organization providing educational and community action programs to the general public in the Noblesville, Indiana area.


League of Women Voters of Hamilton County


Lions Club of Noblesville

Noblesville Lions Club is a volunteer organization whose members purpose is to serve the community, and dedicate part of their spare time to help those in need. Noblesville Lions is a part of a greater structure of the Lions of Indiana, Inc., and the International Association of Lions Clubs.


Megan S. Ott Foundation

The Foundation provides a variety of help to women in the Noblesville area who are battling breast cancer and have children.


Morse Waterway Association

Morse Waterways Association (MWA) is a non-profit organization founded in May 2005 to serve the Morse Reservoir community. MWA supports the 1,400 homeowners living on the reservoir, the surrounding community and the weekend recreational boaters and fishermen. Our mission is to promote safety and the environment within the Morse Reservoir watershed which includes parts of Hamilton, Tipton and Boone counties.


Nickel Plate Arts

Art has the power to shape a place and its people. Nickel Plate Arts cultivates arts resources to enrich the lives of everyone who experiences our community. A commitment to creativity, leadership, innovation, efficiency and individual dignity guides what we do and how we do it. Nickel Plate Arts serves eastern Hamilton County, from Fishers to Atlanta. To carry out our mission and spirit of collaboration, we also engage with neighboring cities and towns.


Noble of Indiana

Founded by families in 1953, Noble’s services have evolved with the needs of the children and adults we serve. However, we have remained focused on the far-reaching mission of our organization and the powerful vision we have for the community we share. Our mission is to expand opportunities and enhance the quality of life for people with disabilities and their families through individualized services.


Noblesville Main Street

Noblesville Main Street enriches the culture and community of the City’s downtown historic district by creating partnerships and programs to connect people to unique places and experiences.


Noblesville Newcomers Club

The Newcomers' Club of Northeast Hamilton County is a social organization for women who have recently moved to the area, have undergone a lifestyle change or simply want to meet new friends, expand their horizons and learn more about the community.


Noblesville Noon Kiwanis Club

In the Noblesville Noon Kiwanis Club, community service is our primary goal. The Club continually strives to fulfill the Kiwanis vision of changing the world, one child and one community at a time.


Noblesville Preservation Alliance

In the spring of 1987, a group of dedicated people committed to the preservation and renewal of historic sites and neighborhoods in our community formed the Noblesville Preservation Alliance ("NPA"). The wealth of historic homes and still in-tact downtown square provide an inviting step back in time for visitors who make the trip to Noblesville. But this revitalization would not be possible without the residents who lovingly restore the grand old houses throughout numerous historic areas of the city. By opening their homes to the public, NPA hopes to inspire others to appreciate what restoration can to do add character, sense of place, uniqueness and interest to a community.


Noblesville Sunrisers Kiwanis Club

In the Sunrisers Kiwanis Club of Noblesville, community service is our primary goal. The Club continually strives to fulfill the Kiwanis vision of changing the world, one child and one community at a time.


Noblesville Rotary Club

The Noblesville Rotary Club formed in 1955 to contribute to the Noblesville and Cicero communities. The club has directly impacted the local community over the years - most recently starting a scholarship program for Ivy Tech Community College, sponsoring exchange student cultural programs and children's literacy initiatives.


Noblesville Youth Assistance Program

Noblesville Youth Assistance Program (NYAP) was formed in 2012 to help strengthen youth and families through community involvement. Like other peer Youth Assistance Programs throughout Hamilton County, local volunteers develop and provide access to programs and services that promote positive growth experiences and enhance home and community relationships.

Noblesville Youth Sports Alliance  

The Noblesville Youth Sports Alliance (NYSA) exists to promote and elevate local youth sports organizations in the Noblesville Indiana community with marketing, promotion, scholarships and charitable contributions.  One stop location to help find more information for all of the local, community-based sports programs serving the youth of Noblesville and Noblesville Schools.

Noblesville Young Life


Prevail, Inc.

Prevail strives to empower victims of crime and abuse on their path to healing, while engaging the community to support safe, healthy relationships.


PrimeLife Enrichment, Inc.

PrimeLife Enrichment is devoted to enhancing the quality of life and meeting the evolving needs of adults and their families in Hamilton County. We provide multi-generational services and programs that promote independence, optimal wellness and socialization for all adults with specialization in programs for those 50 and beyond.


Riverview Health Foundation

Riverview Health Foundation creates meaningful charitable opportunities in support of Riverview Health to advance the community’s health and quality of life now and in the future.


Serve Noblesville

SERVE Noblesville is a partnership of neighbors, churches, businesses, and organizations whose goal is to "Connect Compassionate Neighbors.” We do this by designating a week of service projects to create a sense of pride and ownership in Noblesville.


Shepherd’s Center of Hamilton County

The Shepherd's Center of Hamilton County is a non-profit organization that values senior adults and promotes opportunities for independent living. Its programs connect seniors with volunteers or organizations.


Society of St. Vincent de Paul

The various programs offered through St. Vincent de Paul Society provide needy families with food, clothing, furniture and rent/utility assistance. The society works closely with the many social service agencies.


Visit Hamilton County

Each year, Hamilton County hosts youth sports tournaments and major sporting events that bring thousands of visitors to the community.


White River Alliance

The White River Alliance improves and protects water resources throughout Central Indiana. We are an alliance of diverse interests and organizations that work together to steward the River and its watershed.