The Noblesville Economic Development Department has spent several months updating its Strategic Plan and the final version has been approved and has now been released.  The previous Strategic Plan was approved by Noblesville Common Council in late 2002 and was intended to be an eight year plan.  The updated version will serve as the department's and the city's roadmap for Noblesville for the next five years.  The update was created based on several sources such as analysis of existing city plans; results of the National Citizen Survey; numerous stakeholder meetings (participants included community leaders, business owners, young professionals, and city leaders and department directors); results of the Economic Development Department's Noblesville Business Survey; and more.

            The Strategic Plan approved in 2002 focused on building a product--in other words, infrastructure development, creation of the Corporate Campus, thoroughfare plan development, and more.  The updated Strategic Plan focuses on marketing and analyzing the successes realized as a result of the original Plan.  A feature built into the updated Strategic Plan is flexibility.  No matter what the economic climate, the plan was purposely constructed to maintain momentum in high and low tides.

            "Noblesville is an outstanding community and we want to do everything we can to make it even better.  The updated Strategic Plan spells out the goals we will achieve as well how we will do so," said Mayor John Ditslear.

            The five goals of the updated Plan are as follows:

Goal I:  Create a targeted plan to fully illustrate the appeal of the Corporate Campus and other developmental opportunities available in Noblesville.


Goal II:  Continue to implement the renewed Downtown Noblesville Strategic Development plan, by infusing flexibility and catalysts for further and future growth.


Goal III:  Maintain and enhance Noblesville's quality of life in order to develop a whole-life cycle that meets the needs of present and future generations.


Goal IV:  Improve communication through strengthened relationships.


Goal V:  Enhance the Noblesville business climate in order to grow the local economy from within and maintain sustainability across all business sectors.


To view the updated Strategic Plan, visit