
The City of Noblesville was awarded approximately $500,000 today from the Indiana Department of Transportation as part of the State’s Community Crossings matching grant fund. The money will be used to mill and repave four sections in Noblesville.

Mayor“We thank INDOT and the Governor’s Office for providing these funds for infrastructure improvements across the state. In Noblesville, we appreciate receiving funding for all four of our grant requests,” said Mayor John Ditslear. “This matching grant allows us to address two subdivisions and a heavily traveled commercial street that otherwise would have had to wait for funding.”

INDOT’s Community Crossings dollar-for-dollar matching grant (up to $1 million) provides nearly $150 million in funding to cities, towns, and counties across Indiana to make improvements to local roads and bridges. Applications were due to the state on July 31 and awarded Monday, August 22.

“We are presently trying to schedule projects as soon as possible with construction to begin by next spring,” City Engineer John Beery said.

Noblesville submitted four grants of a total estimated cost of $995,100. Each project includes: minor base patching and inlet repair; cold milling; wedge and level; new asphalt surface and pavement markings.

  • Mercantile Boulevard between Cumberland Road and Pleasant Street. Estimated cost is $214,000 for 0.7 miles including a roundabout at Town & Country Boulevard.
  • Fairfield Farms is two grants (north and south) that cover the entire subdivision. Estimated total cost is $417,200 for 2.3 miles.
  • The back portion of the Pine Knoll Subdivision (west from the intersection of Pine Knoll and Pine Hill). Estimated cost is $363,900 for 1.9 miles.

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