
RussellNoblesville Parks and Recreation is proud to announce that maintenance staff member Jonn Russell earned the professional recognition of Certified Arborist and has become Tree Risk Assessment Qualification (TRAQ) certified, both credentials are from the International Arborist Association (ISA). With the new accreditations, the parks department will benefit from Russell’s knowledge and experience as a tree arborist and TRAQ certified while properly caring for trees, assessing tree risks, and identifying needs throughout city parks and along trails.

“I am very proud of Jonn and his accomplishment in obtaining his arborist certifications,” said Noblesville Parks Director Brandon Bennett. “With his passion for trees and his determination to provide the best tree care, the certification was the next logical step for him. Professionally, I appreciate his drive to earn this distinction and become an even greater asset to the department as we strive to keep our parks and trails safe for the community while maintaining healthy and beautiful trees.”   

Certified Arborists, as defined by ISA, are individuals who have achieved a level of knowledge in the art and science of tree care through experience and must be trained and knowledgeable in all aspects of arboriculture while adhering to a Code of Ethics that strengthens the credibility and reliability of the workforce. TRAQ certification includes assessing tree risk, promoting tree safety, and enhancing tree benefits, health and longevity. To earn his credentials, Russell completed training courses, passed comprehensive examinations, and accumulated over 10 years of experience in the arboriculture field.

“I am so happy to have achieved these certifications. Becoming part of a small group of individuals that are able to help in the overall health and well-being of the largest group of living organisms in the world, brings an amazing feeling of accomplishment,” said Russell. “Reaching these personal goals and working in a parks system that has some of the best species in Hamilton County is a true achievement. I’m grateful to the leaders of the parks department for supporting my professional growth and allowing me the opportunity.”

Russell, a graduate of Ivy Tech State College, joined the City of Noblesville in 2003 and has been part of the Parks and Recreation Department since 2019.