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Utilities Department
The Noblesville Utilities Department is a 24-hour facility that handles wastewater treatment. Additionally, the department handles the monthly wastewater utility treatment costs, sanitary sewer line locations, sewer problem resolutions, and collection system assistance.
Trash service for City of Noblesville residents is billed through the Utilities Department. For information regarding trash pick-up schedules or issues with trash/recycling containers, call Republic Services at 317-567-6400. For unresolved issues regarding trash pick-up, contact the Noblesville Street Department at 317-776-6348. All trash billing questions should be directed to the Noblesville Utilities Department at 317-776-6353.
The overall mission of Noblesville Utilities is to promote professional and personal services to their customers to adequately safeguard their investment in infrastructure and facilities, and to promote the long range economic development for the community in order to hold cost of services down.
Pretreatment Ordinance No. 10-04-12
