Facade Grant Program

The City of Noblesville Facade Improvement Grant Program is administered by the city’s Department of Planning and Community Development whose staff members will work directly with applicants during the grant application process. All completed applications will be reviewed by a five-member Façade Grant Review Committee before being approved for funding.
The Commercial Facade Improvement Grant Program is designed to stimulate downtown investment, maintain and expand the economic contribution of the Central Business District, promote architectural appreciation and initiate aesthetic improvements in downtown Noblesville.

Commercial Facade Improvement Grant Documents

This program incorporates a 50/50 matching program between building and business owners within the Facade Grant Boundaries who have commercial activity as their primary purpose and are not delinquent in property taxes, city liens or fines. A multitude of facade improvements are eligible for funding as long as they are on a building facade that faces a public right of way. Many other rules and conditions apply so you can either download the Facade Grant Manual below, e-mail Aaron Head or call (317) 776-6325 with additional inquiries.