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Allisonville Road Trail (South 10th Street)
PROJECT: Allisonville Road Trail (South 10th Street)
TIMELINE: Project has been bid and awarded. Anticipated completion of the pedestrian trail is Thanksgiving 2022.
- Project will require a 2-week full closure of Allisonville Road for the construction of the pedestrian bridge foundation and to set the pedestrian bridge. This is scheduled to take place during Noblesville Schools' Fall Break (October 10-23).
PROJECT GOALS: Increased pedestrian connectivity, traffic calming and drainage improvements.
OWNER: City of Noblesville
ENGINEER: First Group
CONTRACTOR: Rieth-Riley Construction
SCOPE: This project will construct an 8-foot wide asphalt trail heading north from Wellington Parkway of the Wellington Northeast subdivision to the 5-point roundabout at Greenfield Ave. From this intersection, there are existing paths to Downtown Noblesville as well as Federal Hill Commons to the west. In addition to the new trail and a new pedestrian truss bridge over Stony Creek, this project will include some drainage improvements along Allisonville Road.
Allisonville Road, within the project limits, is undergoing a “Road Diet” meaning the extra wide lanes and shoulders are being narrowed down to provide room for a trail. Essentially, the vehicle travel lanes and trail are using the same width of pavement as the existing travel lanes only.
- The speed limit will be lowered to 30 mph, within the project limits.
- The road diet is a traffic calming measure to slow down traffic as it enters the downtown area.
- The southern half of the project will have a guardrail between the cars and trail. The northern half of the project will have a small median curb barrio between the cars and trail.
The project also extends a new storm sewer and storm inlets to improve drainage in the area on the east side of the roadway only. The city and Indiana American Water Company have partnered together on this project. As part of the project, while the roadway reconstructed for the storm sewer, the water company is replacing a very old water main, extending the water main where it didn’t exist, and additionally improving fire protection ability as part of the project. The water company is paying for all the water line improvements.
MILEAGE: 0.9 miles
ESTIMATED COST: $3.6 million
- The city received a $2.2 million federal grant for this project.