Noblesville Trailblazers

As the City of Noblesville celebrates its 200th birthday, the Noblesville Bicentennial Committee has partnered with Hamilton County Historian David Heighway to share information about our community. Each month, new “Noblesville Trailblazers” – individuals and groups that made an impact to our history - will be highlighted.

Pioneers Sol Levinson


First Settler

S. O. LEVINSON (1865-1941)

Nobel Peace Prize Nominee

Murphy White

Charlie Jones

C. Murphy White (1923-2011)

First Black Noblesville City Councilor

Charles "Charlie" Jones, Jr. (1938-2022)

First Black Noblesville Police Officer

Alice Armstrong

Joyce Hobson

Alice Armstrong (1813-1901)

First Hamilton County Woman to Receive a U.S. Patent

Dr. Joyce Hobson (1851-1939)

First Woman Doctor in Hamilton County

Leonard Wild 

 John Wise

Leonard Wild (1834-1919)

Opera House Builder

John H. Wise (1860-1941)

Playwright & Movie Theater Builder



Tie Loy

Fist Chinese Immigrant

Lucius M. Wainwright (1860-1931)

Cyclist & Diamond Chain Company Founder

Eva Stewart

Norman Norell

Eva Stewart (1869-1892)

NHS's 1st African American Graduate

Norman Norell (1900-1972)

International Fashion Designer

*Information on monthly Trailblazers is written by Hamilton County Historian David Heighway.