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Jonathan Mirgeaux - Utilities Director
- Business: (317) 776-6353
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- Hours: Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 4:30 pm
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Long-Term Control Plan
The Long Term Control Plan is an unfunded mandate that was approved by the Indiana Department of Environmental Management on June 26, 2007. It is a 15-year plan that consists of nine individual projects conducted in five different phases.
- Phase I (2006-2007) – Upsized existing interceptors, replaced failed sanitary sewers in North Harbour and made treatment plant upgrades at headworks building and wet-weather equalization storage.
- Phase II (2007-2013) – Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) Expansion project involved the construction of two new secondary
- clarifiers, two new aeration basins, and a new disinfection system. The daily treatment capacity doubled from 5 to 10 million gallons per day and the peak wet weather capacity from 10 to 20 million gallons per day.
- Phase III (2009-2016) – Central and East Region Relief Sewer and Riverwalk Trail. Installed large diameter relief sewers to convey wet-weather flow to the treatment plant storage facility. While reestablishing the grounds over the relief sewer, the city constructed the new Riverwalk Trail on top of it along the river.
- Phase IV (2015-2018) – Construct storm sewers in combined areas in the northern Old Town area to reduce combined sewage from reaching waterways by separating storm water and sanitary lines. Roads impacted were repaved.
- Phase V (2020-2022) – Similar to Phase IV, but for the southern portion of Old Town to decrease storm water to the treatment plant and improve drainage in low areas of Conner, Logan and Clinton streets.
Project was substantially completed October 28, 2021.
There is a new concrete diversion structure with automated gates to split flows between two pipes that were installed under gravel drives. One pipe conveying Stormwater to the new manhole at the river, and the other for excess combined flow to convey to the underground storage tank at the west of the treatment plant.
CSO2 Diversion Structure |
CSO2 New Outfall at River |
CSO2 Road Split to Plant View |