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Levee Trail Phase 2
PROJECT: Levee Trail - Phase 2
TIMELINE: Construction is expected to begin in September 2022.
PROJECT GOALS: Increased pedestrian safety, mobility and trail connectivity.
OWNER: City of Noblesville
ENGINEER: Shrewsberry
CONTRACTOR: Calumet Civil Contractors
SCOPE: In 2016, the City of Noblesville and Citizens Energy Group signed a memorandum of understanding to allow the City to construct an asphalt trail on the top of the levee that is along the east side of Morse Reservoir. The first phase of this trail, from Morse Park Beach to Carrigan Road, was constructed in 2019.
Phase 2 of the project will provide the connection between Carrigan Road on the south and 216th Street on the north, to a portion built by the Town of Cicero. This nearly one mile of trail will be 10-feet wide and primarily built on top of the levee. A push button rectangular rapid flashing beacon (RRFB) crossing will be installed for the crossings of both Carrigan Road and Hague Road.
MILEAGE: 1.0 miles
ESTIMATED COST: $1.1 million